Go HAM as the obscure Buta San returns on Nintendo Switch


Piggin’ out

Every now and again, the fine folk over at Hamster like to throw us all a curveball when it comes to their retro re-releases. Case in point, this week, as Jaleco’s weird Buta San is been now available to download on Nintendo Switch.

Released in Japanese arcades back in 1987, Buta San (also known as Mr. Pig and – brilliantly – Pig and Bombers) is a colourful action title which sees one or two players attempt to take out 100 fellow piggies by throwing explosives. The twist on this Bomberman-esque gameplay is that the bombs all have varying timers on them, with other power-ups adding extra levels of strategy to the match.

While I definitely remember the ZX Spectrum port of this title (under the nihilistic name Psycho Pigs U.X.B) Buta San is a title rarely played outside of its native Japan. Pretty simplistic by today’s standards, this oddity might only be for the more curious among you.

Buta San is available to download worldwide on Nintendo Switch, priced at around $8.