Gone Home dev breaks off to form new studio


From Fullbright to Dim Bulb

One of the founding members of The Fullbright Company, the studio behind 2013’s love it or hate it Gone Home, has left to start his own studio. Johnnemann Nordhagen, a 2K Marin developer that worked on BioShock 2‘s Minerva’s Denbefore moving to Fullbright, just opened Dim Bulb Games.

Nordhagen told Polygon “I feel right now is an exciting time for games, because there’s all sorts of studios and people exploring the outer edges of what games can be.” He added “The vision is for weird and wonderful things, perhaps tinged with melancholy and layered in dust, like an old lightbulb.”

Nordhagen isn’t yet ready to talk about any of the projects he has lined up, but promises that they’ll be “exciting.” As of right now, Nordhagen is the only member of Dim Bulb, but he’s currently working on recruiting developers and collaborators for the studio.

@Johnnemann[Twitter], Gone Home developer establishes new studio to explore the outer edges ofgames [Polygon]