Google's new streaming test brings Assassin's Creed Odyssey to Chrome


Sign-ups are open for Project Stream

Google is continuing to invest in streaming, and to help fine tune its newly unveiled Project Stream initiative, the company is turning to Ubisoft. Participants will be able to stream this week’s Assassin’s Creed Odyssey on their desktop or laptop via Chrome. There are some stipulations, of course.

There’s a very limited number of slots available for Project Stream, and testers will need to have a connection of 25 megabits per second or higher and reside in the United States. You can register here.

This footage of Odyssey played in Chrome lacks some crispness we’d normally expect from a typical console or PC experience, but for streaming, I think the image quality looks acceptable. Google is calling Project Stream “a technical test to solve some of the biggest challenges of streaming.”

As for Ubisoft, the company believes there’s “tremendous potential” in streaming. “Google’s Project Stream, the Ubisoft Platform Infrastructure, and the efforts of other companies will help unlock that potential and break down barriers that once prevented many from playing and enjoying our games.”

We’ve seen some false starts for game streaming and the infrastructure isn’t where it needs to be in much of the United States, but we’ll get there eventually. Project Stream is just the latest nudge.

Pushing the limits of streaming technology [Google]Ubisoft and Google Partner for Project Stream [Ubisoft]