Grab Outlast for free through Humble right now


Can’t beat free

It’s too early for the spooky season, seeing as how autumn doesn’t even technically start until tomorrow. And it’s really not close to Halloween considering that’s at the end of October. This promotion doesn’t make a ton of seasonal sense, but it doesn’t have to. Free stuff never goes out of style.

For the next 40-some hours, Humble is giving away Outlastand its DLC Outlast: Whistleblowerfor free. Just hit this link, go through the checkout process, and get a pair of Steam keys. Certainly nothing too arduous for the value.

Generous as the offer is, this promotion is almost definitely aiming to drum up interest in Outlast 2which released in April. After all, Halloween is right around the corner and it will likely bring with it a renewed wave of sales for Outlast 2. Now people will have a few weeks with the original beforehand, and developer Red Barrels surely hopes that it’ll convince some folks that they need the sequel too. “Give them a good game for free and maybe they’ll want to buy the also-good sequel” is a perfectly fine marketing tactic. Keep ’em comin’.

Outlast Deluxe Edition [Humble]