Green Man Gaming unleashes its devilish summer sale


Six deals every six hours for six days. Spooky

They say the Devil has the best tunes but Green Man Gaming us taking a cue from the dark lord and having a 666 Summer Sale, reducing six new games every six hours for six days. Right now you can get 75% off the price of Aliens Colonial Marines, Awesomenauts, Worms Revolution, and Resident Evil 5.

There’s also 66% off Thunder Wolves and a huge 85% off Alan Wake. As an extra special bonus you can use the voucher code GMG10-DC7NW-1ZKMI to get an additional 10% off any 666 Promo sale. That’s some serious savings and it seems that people are flocking to the site in droves; I’ve had a series of 503 gateway errors whilst loading the site for the last hour.