Gust's new Vita RPG, Chronos Materia, gets new screens


Fantasy, sprites, and anime tropes — oh my!

Niche JRPG maker Gust is showing the Vita some love with the sensibly named Chronos Materia, a 2D adventure set in a land devoid of humanity and overrun by nature, Siliconera reports. Gust, of course, is known for a few different JRPG series, including the more recent Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk and Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel.

It was a world without a single person. A world covered in grand nature, without a single trace of mankind or civilization. That was the kind of world that the young girls have suddenly been thrown into.

Where is this place? What is their purpose of being in such a world? What must they do? How will they return to the world they’ve come from? These are the questions in their minds, as they stand in the middle of the unknown world.

Okay, I guess! It’s cool to see Gust strike out with a new series with a slightly more comprehensible title. I almost bought Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis once, but didn’t want to add to my JRPG backlog (it will never be finished), so I’ve yet to play a Gust RPG. Maybe the notion of playing a fresh series on my Vita will be enticing enough. Or maybe the really trite character descriptions will keep me from touching it altogether. We can find out together on September 26. How about you?

Gust’s Vita RPG, Chronos Materia, Reveals Its Setting And Characters [Siliconera]