Harmonix: 'We're not yet sure where online multiplayer fits in our roadmap' for Rock Band 4


So don’t hold your breath, k?

Harmonix has confirmed that while online multiplayer is “very much on the table” for Rock Band 4, it’s not yet clear on “where it fits in our roadmap.”

“Online multiplayer is a part of a much bigger conversation. We know it’s at the top of a lot of peoples’ want list,” stated David Sussman on theHarmonix Blog.

“Online play with Rock Band is a big deal given the amount of different combinations of player (four potential instruments, different difficulties, song affinities between players, etc.). There is a ton of testing necessary as well technical back end to work through in order to provide a fun, stable experience.

“For any feature development, especially features that have existed in our legacyRock Bandgames, we want to be able to improve and refine wherever possible. In the case ofonlineplay, we have a lot of critical feedback on theRock Band 3design that we’d love to be able to address.”

Sussman goes on to add that in order to move forward, the developer is seeking advice from players by way of a survey.

“Adding this functionality is very much on the table but we’re not yet sure where it fits in our roadmap. Part of our process includes taking your advice into consideration. Before we can deliver a feature as complex as Online Multiplayer, we would like to better understand what you want and find to be important.

“In an effort to drive that conversation forward, we’ll be sending out a survey about online play shortly so you can provide feedback that helps direct our development efforts as we make decisions about what to do next.”

Feel free to let us know what you think below!