Hatesnake3D is a surreal kaleidoscope of snake survival


Unhinge your jaw and eat your heart out, Keita Takahashi

Indie Buskers is a group of developers who participate in game jams to help pay the bills. Rat King is one of those developers, consisting of a two-person team with a pretty diverse portfolio. In the most recent Indie Buskers game jam, Rat King created Hatesnake3D, which is best described by developer Friedrich Hanisch with the following:

You’re a space-snake in a box, every 10 seconds your tail becomes a wall, you can use bombs, and the colors are pretty strange. There are other snakes and boxes and wtf

As a product of the game jam, Hatesnake3D was previously only available to supporters, but it is now playable for free on Kongregate. Give it a try for some free, nonsensical arcade action.

Hatesnake3D Is Now Free, So Go Douse Yourself In Color [Indie Statik]