Heart Forth, Alicia ends its Kickstarter run tonight


Hoping to fund a 3DS version

Heart Forth, Alicia has done well for itself. The original Kickstarter pitch grabbed my attention and I’m far from the only one — crowdfunding pledges have come through for nearly every stretch goal.

New game plus. Ports to PS4, Mac, Linux, PS Vita, and Wii U. Contributions from Mega Man composer Manami Matsumae. The game has found an audience, that’s for sure.

In these final hours, there’s one goal remaining for Heart Forth, Alicia and it’s an important one at that: a 3DS version. Wouldn’t that be something? An ideal match for this “Metroidvania RPG.” $245,000 is needed to make the port a reality and, at the time of writing, approximately $222k has been pledged with several hours left to go. Down to the wire.