Here are more than 200 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel screenshots


Perhaps I went a little overboard-erlands

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel comes out tomorrow, and you can read a 3,000-word review on what I think about it right here on Destructoid if you would like. However, since a picture is worth a thousand words, this post is basically 219,000 words, which is 73 times as many words.

In preparation for my review, I took a ton of screenshots. Like, probably too many. After having used only ten of them in the review, I thought it would be a waste not to share the rest. I have culled several from this collection in order to avoid supplying major spoilers, but it still bears warning: poring through these might give away something minor that you would rather have discovered on your own.

Otherwise, these screens act as a sort of chronicle, mostly following Wilhelm the Enforcer, as he begins his journey and eventually grows to a Level 47 Savage Mauler, all the while favoring Jakobs weaponry. Take a gander, if you feel so inclined.