Here's what each Metroid amiibo does for Samus: Metroid Returns


New and old

When Metroid: Samus Returnswas announced at E3, two new amiibo sprung up with it — the Metroid 2Samus figure and the Metroid toy (that has a squishy body). That duo will add a tiny bit of functionality to the game along with a few of the old figures, and as of this week we know what that actually entails.

The new Samus will provide an art gallery after the campaign is completed, as well as a reserve tank for special abilities. The Metroid creature tells you where the closest Metroid enemy is located, and unlocks a “Fusion” difficulty after the story is finished. The standard SmashSamus (the one that became rare eventually) will give you a missle tank and a concept art gallery (you guessed it, after you beat the game), and Zero Suit Samus provides an energy tank and a sound test (hey, you need to finish the game first).

It’s all pretty innocuous stuff outside of the new difficulty mode, which I hopeisn’t entirely locked to the amiibo. The good news is that the new pair aren’t locked to a specific retailer, and were readily available for pre-order.

amiibo [Metroid: Samus Returns]