Here's what Xbox has in store for 2016


And beyond

Xbox has a new video meant to pat itself on the back for 2015 and to let us know what it has up its sleeve for 2016 and beyond. The message is clear: “We kicked ass last year and we’re going to do it again.” Whether or not you believe that to be true is up to you.

However, this hype video serves a more streamlined purpose, too; it lets us know where Xbox is betting big for the year. That’s the objective in the positively-spun subjective.

According to this, the biggest games on Xbox in the near future will be Quantum Break, The Division, Crackdown 3, ReCore, Scalebound, Gears 4, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Sea of Thieves, andHalo Wars 2. Obviously, we know that not all of these will release in 2016 because Scaleboundwas recently pushed to 2017. And, not all of these are Xbox One exclusives either, as many can be found on PC and some are even on other consoles.

Still, it’s a nice snapshot of what we can expect — a whole bunch of things we knew about, all gathered together in one place. Microsoft says it’s a continuation of “the greatest games lineup in Xbox history.” That’s a bold statement, and one not really worth dissecting when everything is pre-release. But, there’s plenty here that’s worth looking forward to.