Hey! You can buy a Mr Destructoid helmet for your Xbox Avatar


We also have a PlayStation Home shirt for all those times you use PlayStation Home

You may recall about a year-and-a-half ago, when we unveiled the Destructoid line of merchandise for your Xbox Live Avatars. At the time, the biggest request was that we get a Mr Destructoid helmet to join the cool shirts and hoodies and stuff we had. Well, that time has finally come!

Click this link right now to deck out your Avatar with the only piece of virtual merchandise you can ever buy and not feel completely bad about. At $2, it’s less than the cost of that Taco Bell you ate last night, and you knowyou regret that.

And while you’re there, check out the rest of our merch in the Community Collection! It’s all priced very reasonably, and every little bit helps out the site <3

Don’t own an Xbox? Well, we’ve still got you covered. Click here for a free Dtoid PlayStation Home shirt! You know you want dem boob eyes.