Hironobu Sakaguchi revealing surprise project at Japan Expo


Surprise! It’s probably not the game you were hoping for

Hironobu Sakaguchi is making an appearance at Japan Expo next Wednesday, during which he’ll discuss his prolific career and a secret project he’s got in the works. I’m hoping it’s a Final Fantasy kind of secret, you know what I mean?

Sakaguchi is, of course, the Executive Producer of the Final Fantasy series, and head of his own development studio Mistwalker. Mistwalker was responsible for one of the saddest role-playing games I’ve ever played (Lost Odyssey) so if this happened to be news on a sequel or even a new IP, I’d be tickled pink.

Regardless, we’ll find out on Wednesday. And if you’re lucky enough to attend, Sakaguchi will be available for a signing session and photo shoot. Color me extremely, ridiculously jealous. Let’s all take a group trip to Japan Expo. Coming with me?

Hironobu Sakaguchi, Final Fantasy creator and Mistwalker founder [Japan Expo]