Hitman 3 speedrunning slaps


Eight seconds

Look, Hitmanspeedrunning pretty much always ruled.

There’s something so liberating about playing through a Htimangame as fast as you can, with no restrictions, including those that are self-imposed outside of the game: otherwise known as an “any percentage” run. The game is…pretty much built for that on the ground up! But that doesn’t make these new Hitman 3speedruns any less impressive.

The race has been on this past week, as folks have been clearing the first Hitman 3mission (Dubai – On Top of the World) in less than 10 seconds. In fact, for several days, the world record was nine seconds. Today, someone in Sweden claims to have cleared it in eight. It’s just a one-second margin: but the race is heating up!

If you want to see what a quick run of Dubai looks like, you can check out the video below.

Before folks started to hit these types of shenanigans, players were running at around the 2:20 clear mark.

Other stages are more around 30 seconds or more for an any-percentage clear at the moment, with the caveat of starting in specific places (like closer to a target) with certain tools.

If you’re interested in seeing how all of these different players approach each stage, check out the full stage breakdown on the speedrun database.