Hyper Light Drifter combat video looks and sounds so good


Beauty in motion

Hyper Light Drifter, the recently Kickstarted action RPG, has released a new combat video and by gosh is it stunning. The animation is incredibly fluid and the music, courtesy of Disasterpeace, is somber enough to contrast the fast-paced action on screen and bring it down to reality. Not hearing the music ramp up just because some enemies show up is a wonderful way to down play encounters.

Besides the aesthetic, the video shows of the swordplay, gunplay, missile slicin’, dashing, and shield push mechanics. Combining these mechanics gives the player a nice amount of options when dealing with crowd control. Some players may favor pushing enemies back with the shield and then unloading bullets into their faces. Maybe you’re more of a dash-and-cut man, which is what I tend to favor. Or perhaps you’ve stacked up so many grenades because you always forget to use them so now is as good a time as any!

Hyper Light Drifteris one of those games that has to be seen in motion, and this video just proves it.