I badly want to pop this wall of Dragon Quest slimes


Game marketing done right

There’s a bubble-wrap wall of slimes in this wild world of ours. Can you guess where?

Japan. Of course it’s in Japan! The poppable piece of marketing is at the Tokyo Metro Marunouchi Line Shinjuku Station Metro Promenade. Lot of slime casualties, according to this tracker.

For those wondering what the heck is happening here because you’ve never played Dragon Quest or its spinoffs and you’ve stayed away from areas of the Internet where these adorable critters are spoken about, Ashley Davis’ classic Flora and Fauna series has you covered.

Good on you, Tiny Cartridge, for bringing this and all manner of slime news to my attention.

約10万匹のスライムが新宿メトロプロムナードに出現! 現場をレポート [Game Watch]