I love the fashion in Lightning Returns: FF XIII


I love all the fashion from Final Fantasy games

So I really like fashion. It’s not to the extent that I can tell what label you’re wearing. In fact I don’t care about that aspect of fashion. I just care about what looks good. And Lightning looks so good in all of her outfits in Lightning Returns.

I’ve always loved the fashion from Final Fantasy games, which is funny since I’ve never really beaten a single one of them. I wasn’t much of a fan of role-playing games growing up. Although it’s funny because Super Mario RPG is my number one favorite game of all time. Yeah, go figure. I’m long overdue fixing this horrible error, and will get around to playing some of the Super Nintendo era ones soon at least.

I do want to play Final Fantasy XV though, which also has great fashion. I can’t stop thinking about that game after the amazing E3 trailer.