In search of Danny Devito's naked bear rodeo


Sup Holmes every Sunday!

[Sup Holmes is a weekly talk show for people that make great video games. It airs live every Sunday afternoon onYouTube, and can be found in podcast form onLibsynandiTunes.]

Today on Sup Holmes we’re happy to welcome Hunter of Punches Bears to the program. Hunter is hard at work at a variety of bear-based physics action games, featuring everything from a Dogboy inspired hallway beat ’em up to a wild Thunderdome-style bear-on-a-bungie-chord chainsaw tornado blowout. We’ll be talking to Hunter about what inspired him to take bears to the next level, how it feels to have already built up a huge audience (and as a result, huge expectations) using mostly just animated gifs on Twitter, and a lot more.

Join us at 2:30pm EST for the live show as it happens!