Indie fighter Legend of Raven soaring to PS4, Xbox One


Nicalis piggybacks on PS Vita release with next-gen versions of doujin fighting game

Legend of Ravenis now fluttering over to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Nicalis has announced. A new trailer for the upcoming fighter reveals the PS4, Xbox One, and PS Vita versions will all employ lag-reducing GGPO netcode. Additionally, the PSN release will be both cross-buy and cross-play.

The project has already been on something of a strange journey since hatching unto the world. Created by Hotapen, a team of former King of Fighters developers, the title was initially released in the Japanese indie scene on PC asYatagarasu.

Cave Story distributor Nicalis later picked up the title, aiming to help the fledgling fighter stretch its wings westward with a Nintendo 3DS port. Plans changed though, with Legend of Raven emigrating from the Nintendo handheld to PlayStation Vita . And now it’s nesting on a pair of shiny new platforms.

A sequel is also in the works. Hotapen successfully crowdfunded the follow-upwith assistance from doujinsoft publisher Nyu Media.Yatagarasu Attack on Cataclysm is slated for a February 2014 launch on Windows PC.