Indiegogo project Ghost of a Tale makes an appearance at gamescom 2014


Tilo the mouse explores dungeons, flees from crabs

SeithCG’s ridiculously adorable stealth-action-adventure title, Ghost of a Tale (or GoaT for short)sneaks its way into gamescom in this newest trailer.

Since its humbleIndiegogo origins, Ghost of a Tale has progressed quite a bit.While it has always had a gorgeous visual style, you can see that the finer technical details are really coming together in this latest video. The lightingand shadows look far more advanced than they did in theearly alpha footage, and the animation seems quite a bit smoother as well.

Although the titleseems to be coming along quite nicely, Seith reminds us to temper our expectations of the game, saying:

“People expecting the scale of Skyrim or the action of Dark Souls are not going to find it. Instead they’ll find a small game with elements of exploration, action, stealth, adventure, and I hope the charm and heart which I think so many bombastic AAA games lack nowadays.”

And that’s just fine with me. What GoaT may lack in AAA financial backing and epic scale, it more than makes up for it in its uniqueness and charm.

Primarily a PC game, Ghost of a Tale will also be releasing on the Xbox One sometime in 2015.