Insomniac supports Harmonix by pledging $7,500 to Amplitude Kickstarter


But there’s still a long way to go

With only a few days left in Harmonix’s Kickstarter for a remake of Amplitude, fellow developer Insomniac Games made a sizable contribution. The $775,000 asking price is now $7,500 closer to its goal.

Insomniac cites being a big fan of Harmonix’s past projects as reason for the contribution — from playing Frequency and Amplitude on PlayStation 2, to regular Guitar Hero and Rock Band competitions in the office. The tier of reward that Insomniac chose is to have its 20th anniversary song in the finished game. It’s a nice gesture from Insomniac, but at just over $400,000 currently, this crowdfunding venture’s going to need a big boost toward the finish line if it’s going to become a reality.

Join Insomniac in backing Amplitude HD on Kickstarter [Insomniac]