Introducing Game With, a new matchmaking service


‘Game With makes online play better’

Need new pals for the Destiny raid? Got the Battlefield blues? The Metal Gear Online malaise? A new matchmaking service, Game With, wants to help you connect with your ideal co-op team.

“Sometimes it’s tough to find people who want to play the way you do,” says the presser. “Game Withbrings together like-mindedplayers,and allows them to play their way, together.

“Game Withallows players to create sessions for their selected game, explain when, where and how they want to play, and ultimately find their perfect teammates.Game Withmakesonlineplay better.”

And it’s not just the newer, AAA shooters Game With will help you with – you can also use the site to find gamers to buddy up on older games, too.

For more details, head on over tohttps://game-with.comnow.