Is this our first glimpse at the name of the Mass Effect: Andromeda protagonist?


Would certainly make some sense

The internet is full of really eagle-eyed geeks, the kind of people willing to freeze frame trailers that seemingly show off absolutely nothing and find nuggets of new information in them. Sometimes they are right on the money, other times they read way too much into nothing. It’s always tough in advance to tell which is which.

Earlier this week reddit user Benelioto spotted something in that recent Mass Effect: Andromeda N7 day teaser trailer that might tell us the name of the protagonist of Mass Effect: Andromeda. I’ll help you out, it’s around 44 seconds in.

Still miss it? I can’t blame you, it’s a tough catch to make. Try looking out for a set of dog tags.

According to eagle eyed Benelioto, the dog tags appear to say either Rider or Ryder, which they hypothesize is the name of Andromeda‘s main character.

There’s also a few other bits of information pointing to Rider or Ryder as a possible name for our new protagonist.

When the game was first revealed with an E3 trailer, the backing track was Johnny Cash’s version of the track Ghost Riders in the Sky.

Rider-s. Ghost and Spectre are synonyms. If that’s just a coincidence, it’s a pretty big one.

When studio director Yanick Roy was asked about changing the music in that trailer to something more tonally fitting to the Mass Effect universe, he tweeted “No, sorry, because there are very good reasons for that choice of song for the trailer that should become clear later on.”

Benelioto also hypothesised that the name might be a reference to Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. That would certainly explain the choice to have Shepard’s female voice actor perform the voice over in the N7 day trailer, rather than Shepard’s male voice actor Mark Meer who provided the VO for previous Mass Effect trailers.

So, do you think this theory holds water, or are we clutching at grains of sand too early?

Mass Effect fans think they’ve discovered the name of Andromeda’s main character [Eurogamer]