Isn't Games for Windows Live supposed to close soon?


Microsoft says it’s continuing to support the service

Word got out that Games for Windows Live will close on July 1, though to my knowledge, Microsoft has never properly announced an end date for the service — or that it’s actually ending. Its PC marketplace was shut down, however, and many studios have migrated their games over to Steam, including Microsoft’s own Twisted Pixel Games and Ms. Splosion Man.

Responding to an inquiry about July 1, Game Informer was told the following by Microsoft: “We are continuing to support the Games for Windows Live service … We remain committed to investing in PC gaming in the years ahead, and look forward to sharing more in the future.”

So, yeah. Okay, Microsoft. It’s possible to read that statement a few different ways, but whatever the case may be, Games for Windows Live is clearly a sinking ship in its current state.

The Games For Windows Live Exodus Continues [Game Informer]