It looks like Peggle 2's coming to PS4 at some point


The South Korean Game Rating Board knows all

We can all agree thatPeggle‘s pretty much the best thing ever, right? Alright, now that that’s settled, it seems that through the magic of timed exclusives, even more people will be able to enjoy Peggle 2in the future.

According to the South Korean Game Rating Board, Peggle 2has been rated today for PlayStation 4. Until now, it has only been confirmed for Xbox One, despite Popcap having hinted that it’d try to port it to other platforms as well. Although Peggle 2‘s available on Xbox One first, it’s recently been pushed back to December, making it a launch window title instead of a launch title.

Regardless of release date and platforms, I could not agree any more vehemently with the headline of Dale’s preview:“Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme.”

Peggle 2 South Korean ratings [South Korean Game Rating Board via Joystiq]