Italian indie title The Town of Light is haunting


Based on actual places and events, ToL seeks to recreate anguish

Italian independent game studio’s Greenlit projectThe Town of Light is described asa first-person psychological adventure that is set in a notorious former psychiatric hospital.

Part historical documentary, part videogame, The Town of Light‘s stated goal is to recreate “the anguish and the human drama of patients living in mental institutions up to the end of the last century: both the pain of mental disease and the horrors patients underwent within the walls of the institutions where they were being ‘treated.’”

The story takes place in one of thelargest asylums that ever existed in Italy, whichis said to havehoused somewhere around 5,000 internees at one time andis located in the medieval hill- town of Volterra.

Having somewhat of a rocky start,the game cameup well short of its original Indiegogo goal of €30,000, but the developersstill continued on andit waseventually Greenlit in January of this year. Slated for release at some point in the spring of 2015, The Town of Light iscurrently plannedfor release on PC, Mac, and Linux.