It's blood, blood (gallons of the stuff) in Shadow Warrior 3's first gameplay trailer


Did you expect anything less?

Can you imagine a better game than Shadow Warrior to kick off Devolver’s annual showcase? It’s kind of the perfect blend of crude, wacky, and violent that defines the Devolver brand.

The first Shadow Warrior 3gameplay trailer is here and it doesn’t disappoint. Buckets worth of demon blood is spilled, and some encounters look like they belong inside a carnival. There’s a significant emphasis on locomotion, as wallrunning and a grapple hook brings more speed and movement to the fighting. It seems like a direction that’s both better and more fun.

Shadow Warrior 3is coming sometime in 2021. Platforms are still a mystery (although PC is assumed), but it’s probably coming to whichever consoles won’t make compromises on the number of dick jokes it allows.