Iwata: Wii U doesn't need a price cut, it needs games


Why not both?

Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has brushed aside suggestions that the Wii U requires an official price cut to compete with the forthcoming PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Speaking with CVG, the banana-wielding executive noted the hardware’s premium version has outsold its cheaper counterpart, indicating price isn’t the real issue.

“The basic version should have sold a lot, but the fact of the matter is that people are buying more of the premium version,” he said. “So the issue is not there.” Instead, Iwata asserts a strong line-up of marquee games is key to success.

“I understand that the real issue is the lack of software, and the only solution is to provide the mass-market with a number of quality software titles.” Perhaps titles likePikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, Wind Waker HD, and Super Mario 3D World will help reverse the struggling console’s fortunes.

Iwata: Wii U Basic model sales show price isn’t the issue [CVG]