Japanese subway playing Final Fantasy music for 30th anniversary



Unlike Nintendo untoMetroid, Square Enix is keen on celebrating Final Fantasy‘s 30th anniversary (it barely missed the cut in December of 1987, but it counts!), as tons of festivities have already been rolled out over in Japan.

One little tribute involves jingles playing at Japanese subway stations, including victory fanfare and the main theme. These are located over at theYokohama subway station if you’re a Tokyo native, and will run until July 7.

With all of the ups and downs the series has had (mostly ups, really), I’m glad it’s still around. While everyone has an affinity toward a specific game that impacted their life in some way, I’d like to think that all of them from the first to XI, skipping over to XIV(gasp) and into XV (double gasp), were memorable during some stage in my life.

みなとみらい駅 上り #FF コラボ発車メロディ【プレリュード】 pic.twitter.com/Ivp3j6FV5b

— *kei (@hollabackgirl_k) June 1, 2017

みなとみらい駅の発車メロディがFF仕様になった…。 元町方面は「勝利のファンファーレ」(のジングル部分)、横浜方面は「メインテーマ」(の冒頭部分)。キャンペーン中だと知らなかったので、今朝初めて聞いた時は下車した人の携帯のメール着信音が爆音で鳴ったのかと思った…。 pic.twitter.com/gOlO18p7iA

— OZAKI (@ozakikazuyuki) June 1, 2017