Just in time for Halloween: A very very VERY Scary House


Anna Anthropy strikes again!

When I was a youth, no one played videogames for the story, because few games had stories. Some, like Zork, had words, but they weren’t so much about a linear, character driven narrative than about typing “eat the key” and seeing if that makes you die.

These days, the world is filled with kids (meaning, anyone younger than me) who grew up with games with stories. They love games with stories. They sometimes even say that the main reason they play games is for the story. It’s pretty wild.

Weirdly enough, some of these very same people don’t seem willing to pay $2 for a game that is almostall story. One with 58 different endings, no less. That’s avery very VERY scary house. It’s filled with surprises, even more so than Zork. I understand that some of those people that claim they love games for the story may find it intimidating, much like how some people who say they read comic books for the stories are intimidated by regular books. I hope they get over that. There are a lot of words-only experiences, in videogames and otherwise, that are likely worth their time.