Justin Wong won't compete in Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite until October because he has an edge


An early access advantage

When I think of Marvel vs. Capcom, I think of Justin Wong.

While there are plenty of other big names in the community like ChrisG or Filipino Champ, some of my favorite FGC matches of all time are from Wong’s work in the Marvel vs. Capcom 2scene. We’ll have to wait a little bit, it seems, to see him in Infinite.

Announced via Twitter, Wong will not be competing formally in the game until October, despite the game’s September 19 release. The reason for this delay is because he’s had early access to the game, and thinks that with his bout of extra practice, it wouldn’t be fair on others.

Now, you can either see this as a kindness to the community so he doesn’t wipe the floor with them, or a form of showmanship. Either way Wong is a huge name in the Marvel vs. Capcomcommunity, and when he does make his debut, it’ll probably be explosive.

Justin Wong [Twitter]