King K.Rool creator jokingly regrets name choice now that his boy is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


2 K.rool 4 S.kool

The reveal of Donkey Kong Country’s naughty monarch King K.Rool for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate was a very happy surprise for the majority of the Smash community, but the character’s creator, Gregg Mayles, has put out an amusing tweet voicing his regret.

Not regret over K.Rool making it to the heady heights of the Smash Bros. franchise, nor even regret that it could have been Shantae instead. But Mayles wistfully muses over the villain’s goofy moniker.

In his defence, it was the early ’90s. If your villain’s name wasn’t a play on words, then it didn’t mean jack. See the enemies of almost every single cartoon show of that era for further evidence, the best being Captain Planet’s greedy businessman; Luton Plunder.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches on Nintendo Switch December 7.

Never expected old K.Rool to make it out of DKC, let alone turn up in#SmashBros nearly 25 years later. Maybe I should have spent a bit more than 5 minutes coming up with his slightly rubbish name.

— Gregg Mayles (@Ghoulyboy) August 8, 2018