Klei launches paid alpha build of Incognita


Sleek turn-based combat

Klei Entertainment has opened pre-orders for its work-in-progress tactical espionage game Incognita. $16.99 gets you immediate access to the current alpha, future alpha and beta builds, and the final game when it releases in 2014. Plus, a copy for a friend. I freakin’ love when they do that. The final price will be $19.99, so paying early saves you 15 percent.

“What the game will look like in this state is a single (randomly generated) level, with a few agents and little to no progression,” writes the company. “The current Alpha build has most of our core tactical and strategic systems, as well as our engine, UI, procedural generation and so on, but is missing some major progression systems and missing most of our content, which will be developed as we get further along in the process. We do have a timeline for some of these features, so we’ll share that with you when we can.”

I missed my chance to try Incognita at PAX Prime 2013, and while I do want to give this a shot, it’s less up my alley than, say, Don’t Starve. I think I can wait it out a bit as Klei adds additional features and tightens up the experience before jumping in. Still looks wonderful, though.