Kojima wants to play Knack with Mark Cerny


Ground Zeroes running on PlayStation 4

To accompany a bunch of straight PS4 gameplay for Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Hideo Kojima sat down with the PlayStation Blog to talk about things like the less linear nature of Ground Zeroes, where the, “the player will put a story together.” It’s sounding almost Hitman-esque.

Kojima also explained why Metal Gear Solid V is two games, with Ground Zeroes acting as a prologue: “PS4 is launching now and it’s big. A lot of people have been asking for a new Metal Gear Solid experience, so we at least wanted to release a prologue so that people get to know what people will be, experience a chunk of the story.”

He also talked about his pride in Ground Zeroes lighting — the searchlights, in particular. “Twenty six years ago, I wanted to originally put this in the game: moving through searchlights without being spotted.”

Oh, and he wants to play Knack with Mark Cerny. Me too, Kojima. Me too.