La-Mulana 2 meets Kickstarter goal with five days left


Break out the curry

Over the weekend, La-Mulana 2 broke $200,000 in pledges. That was the amount needed for Nigoro to develop this thing. It’s happening. With time to spare, no less.

The studio has also released the Tokyo Game Show demo of La-Mulana 2 and it is playable even if you aren’t a Kickstarter backer. You will, however, need to create a Playism account which takes about ten seconds. Check it out! I knew I should’ve stayed away from that boulder. Couldn’t resist.

There’s still a great deal of unfunded stretch goals, many of which are out of reach at the current pace of funding. I mean, half of ’em don’t even have prices associated with the goal — only question marks. At least we got two important goals funded: Curry Party and Curry Hell. “Curry is the soul of La-Mulana, and curry will be the soul of our team.”

The Big Update [Kickstarter]