Let's watch this mysterious Dying Light 2 stream


Keeping the light alive?

It’s time to (hopefully) get some more details about the parkour zombie action game Dying Light 2.

Following a mysterious tease earlier this week that had me pointing a small UV flashlight all over my apartment, we’re getting a new stream today at 3 p.m. ET that will hopefully give us a few more details about what’s to come for Techland’s zombie series. You can watch along here.

It’s been quite a while since Dying Light 2 was first unveiled at E3 2018. Its E3 2019 gameplay demo was fairly impressive, but the studio went quiet for a while following an indefinite delay.

No doubt there are hopes for something concrete here, but I’m personally eager to see more gameplay, and if the lofty ambitions of that 2019 preview are still holding strong in 2021. We’ll find out together during today’s stream, I suppose?