Level-5's big post-Yokai cross-media project, Snack World, might finally be coming west


Toys, TV, games

You probably haven’t heard of Snack World yet unless you follow the Japanese game industry closely, but given how hard Level-5 pushes their wares, you will, if it comes west. All signs point to it being a go, but it still hasn’t happened since its initial release on 3DS in 2017. What changed this week? An international ratings listing, of course!

Rated by way of the Australian Classification Board, this is the first evidence of a westward Snack Worldlocalization. So what the hell is this series anyway?Well basically, like all modern things Level-5, it was created as a cross-media project that involves myriad arms: manga, TV, toys, and games. The gist is that Snack World, itself a highly anachronistic universe (for comedic effect), deals with a series of adventures from the perspective of a hero and his Dragon Quest-esque crew of misfits.

It’s really cute and everything I’ve seen so far gives off major Adventure Time vibes. I’ve been waiting years to give it a shot, so hopefully this rating pans out.

Snack World [Australian Classification via Gematsu]