Live show: Day two of our last week celebration!


GALGUNZ forever!

Yesterday was the most surreal day of my life. We put our fates into the community’s collective hands and you guys caught us. If you didn’t see our Patreon, it’s going well. Like better than we could have ever imagined. Seriously, I thought we might get $200. You guys have done eight times that amount in 24 hours. The support has been incredible.

But that’s not all that this is about! Today we’re celebrating all of our glorious PLAY-ASIA.COM shows with a double header. We’re starting off with J-Stars on the usual channel, before we move over to the brand new channel (IT’S SHINY AND NEW) to play Galgun.

You read that right, we’re playing Galgun again. I hope you’re ready. The show starts at 2PM PDT on and 4PM PDT on PhilandSpencer. We hope to see you there.