Live Show: Embracing (our inner) children with Child of Light


Coeur de Pirate does the prettiest music

About three weeks ago I actively didn’t care about Child of Light.I wasn’t interested in JRPGs and certainly not JRPGs developed by Ubisoft. And then it all changed. JPRGs have a long history of great music. From the earliest entries in the Final Fantasyseries to the most recent Personas there’s really no exception to the rule. Enter Coeur de Pirate’s fantastic Child of Light soundtrack. Oh my god her piano makes magic tunes pop out of it. Of course all of this is in addition to the already beautiful art.

Are you ready to fall in love and embrace your childlike glee? Jump into today’s edition of Destructoid Attract Mode. We’re going live on at 2PM PDT. Seriously, the damn game is so pretty.