Live show: Star Conflict and Baldur's Gate II


Death blossoms and prismatic spray for all!

[Mash Tacticsairs Monday through Friday at 4p.m. Pacific onDtoid.TV. Watch Rick ‘King Foom’ Olson play a variety of games, each day with its own theme. With a heavy focus on community and viewer interaction, you can be as much a part of the show as anything else.]

Ever since I was young, and watched the movieThe Last Starfighter for the first time, I’ve had dreams of flying an elite spacecraft and taking on an seemingly invincible armada. While I fear something like that will never happen, sadly, at least the videogame world has allowed me numerous opportunities to live out my fantasy in digital form. My latest star-fighting obsession as of late, is the F2P space combat simulator, Star Conflict. The best way I can explain what this game is all about, is to say it’s basically World of Tanks, in space. However, there is a bit more to it than that, and you should totally watch Mash Tactics tonight and see it in action for yourself!

After a couple hours of that, stay tuned as myself and a few other Twitch.TV broadcasters get together for our weekly session of Baldur’s Gate II. At this point, we’re already at about eighty hours into our six-player co-op campaign, and tonight, finally, we’ll be approaching the end game by stepping into the expansion,Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, andexploring the entirety of Watcher’s Keep. If you have a thing for sci-fi, or high fantasy, tonight is your night at Dtoid.TV!

QotD: If you could live in any existing sci-fi or fantasy world, which one would it be?