Log into Overwatch and get free loot boxes for the holidays


Happy holidays to you too!

Even though it wasn’t announced when the holiday event kicked off recently, Blizzard is giving people an extra incentive to play Overwatch on Christmas (my wife and I have been playing a bit!). Just yesterday the playerbase was met with a special Christmas message after logging in noting how great of a year it was thanks to fan support, alongside of five holiday loot boxes.

There doesn’t seem to be an expiration date for this beyond the Winter Wonderland event expiration onJanuary 2, so you may as well log in and collect your stuff. I still haven’t gotten the damn Yeti skin yet (the only thing that I want), but theTorbjörn Santa outfit I acquired along the way is mostly fine.

The Zenyatta Nutcracker though — I wish I could give that away!