London Symphony Orchestra to perform Zelda in July


Nintendo and London Symphony Orchestra teams up with Merregnon

Big news coming from Nintendo today. With the excellent Wind Waker HD and A Link Between Worlds currently keeping the Zelda name red hot, the guys at Nintendo have another surprise in store before the year ends. For the first time, London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) will perform a fully set Legend of Zelda concert on July 13, 2014 at the Barbican Hall. Symphonic Legends London will have both the LSO and London Symphony Choir working together to perform arrangements by the world renowned duo of Jonne Valtonen and Roger Wanamo.

They ain’t holding back on the size either. There’s going to be over 200 musicians on stage to bring Hyrule to life in London, making it one of the largest videogame orchestra productions of all time. Nintendo’s press release details that Ocarina of Time, Link to the Past, and Wind Waker are just some of the games to expect from this new concert. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10AM UK time with a price range of £30 to £85, and you can get them through the official LSO website. You can get more information at the Facebook event page as well.