Looks like I'm importing this Yakuza 6 PS4


Kiryu would be proud

For Japanese gamers, Sony loves to brand its little black box with all manner of emblems. The most we get in the US is some lame-ass hard drive cover (though the Destiny console was white). I’m still envious of my friend’s Phantom Pain PS4, what with the red coloring and emblazoned text.

For the upcoming Yakuza 6, Sega and Sony have teamed up to create an incredible-looking PS4 Slim. The system is so enticing, I may just end up importing the machine and replacing my current PS4. If only I could hunt down the Bloodborne faceplate, but the launch systems sound like damn jet engines when under stress.

From the looks of these images, there are two bundles available. One will be a 500 GB model with the game and the glossy, graphic plastered version will be a 1 TB model with the game. While I’m not in need of a bigger hard drive yet, having a larger size will come in handy down the road.

The sweet-looking console is priced at 38,480¥ (or roughly $370). I can manage that, as long as I sell a few organs and skip out on food for a few months. Since when did being an adult have to be so hard?

『龍が如く6』本体同梱パック&刻印モデルが発表![Game’s Talk.net]