Manage an ornate submarine in the open world of Diluvion


2D and 3D gameplay

Sure, big name Kickstarters like Bloodstained and Yooka-Laylee are in the spotlight right now with their campaigns winding down having made millions of dollars. But don’t forget that there are others out there looking for their chances to shine. Diluvion is another project that looks intriguing.

The 2D imagery is what immediately grabbed me, reminding me a bit of the crew management aspect of FTL but with higher resolution visuals. The really striking bit in the video is when it smoothly switches between the 3D exploration and the 2D cutaway showing the crew. That sonar visualization is pretty hot too.

Diluvion‘s crowdfunding campaign has been going for about a week now, but it has already made more than half of its base funding goal of $40,000 in pledges. The numbers might pale in comparison to some other current Kickstarters, but this one still looks like one worth watching.