Maquette is a stunning fairy tale puzzler, and it might be Annapurna's next big hit


‘An imaginative love story’

Annapurna Interactive might hold claim to a prestigious-yet-regrettable crown within games: It’s the publisher that consistently funds incredible projects but kind of goes unnoticed. Annapurna has been around for three years now. In that time, here’s a sampling of some games it has published: What Remains of Edith Finch, Gorogoa, Florence, Donut County, Outer Wilds, Telling Lies, Sayonara Wild Hearts, and Wattam.

Although we only have a trailer thus far, the latest game to be announced seems like it could fit in with that fine company. It’s called Maquetteand it’s a first-person puzzler where shifting perspectives fuels the whole experience. Developer Graceful Decay describes it as “set in a recursive world where players experience the life cycle of a loving relationship” and that “[the] narrative takes players through an adventure of love, loss, and acceptance.”

At first glance, there looks to be a parallel to be drawn between the recently-released Superliminaland Maquette. The angle of both games is manipulating size to make things fit. However, whereas Superliminalstuck to the confines of a Portal-like testing center, Maquettebreaks out into a fairy tale imaginationland. It’s a more inspired choice.

Maquetteis said to be “coming soon,” but there’s no confirmation of which platforms it’ll land on. Nevertheless, it looks like Annapurna has another hit on its hands.