Mass Effect: Andromeda will not arrive in 2016


Early 2017

I’m still not sold onMass Effect: Andromeda. I loved Mass Effect3 in spite of its ending (20 minutes can’t ruin hours upon hours of great entertainment), but the continuation of this series hasn’t done it for me yet. Maybe I’ll change my tune when I play it, but for now, it’s in the back of my mind.

Anyway, rant aside, EA’s CFO Blake Jorgensen confirmed that we will not see Andromedathis year anyway. As expected, the game will be pushed into “early 2017,” even though some were holding out hope that we’d see it in 2016 based on statements made in the past.

Instead, you’ll have a new Battlefieldand Titanfallto look forward to.

Media & Telecom Conference [Morgan Stanely via NeoGAF]