Mass Effect: Andromeda's BioWare Montreal merges with EA Motive


Busy times at BioWare

Recently BioWare have made a lot of headlines. First, Mass Effect lead Casey Hudson returned to the fold after the departure of Aaryn Flynn. Then, sadly, we learned yesterday of the passing of long-time developer Corey Gaspur. This morning sees news that the studio’s Montreal branch is to be absorbed into Jade Raymond’s EA Motive Studios.

Speaking to Tech Raptor, an EA press statement reads: “With multiple major projects in development in Montreal, we are merging BioWare Montreal with Motive Studios.. This is an ongoing process, but there are many exciting roles and opportunities for everyone on the team.”

EA Motive are currently working on Star Wars: Battlefront 2, as well as an as-yet undisclosed new game. This leaves the Montreal staff under the supervision of Raymond, whilst BioWare Edmonton (currently working on Anthem) and Austin (The Old Republic) will be overseen by Hudson.

Who knows what the future holds for these three studios? But it may be some time before we ever find ourselves donning N7 armour again.

BioWare Montreal merges with EA Motive [Tech Raptor]