Master Chief Collection seems to deliver on most of its promises


Wort wort wort!

I recently got to check out Halo: The Master Chief Collection at an Xbox event, which gave me a big ol’ happy, because I love me some sweet, sweet Covie-killing action. In 343 Industries’ presentation, they spent half of the time talking about The Halo Channel, which seems neat if you’re into that sort of thing, but it rather bores me. They also informed us that Halo 3 and Halo 4 are being up-scaled to 1080p, and touched up a bit with current-gen lighting effects and such.

The main focus of the Halo showing was, of course, Halo 2: Anniversary Edition. We saw a sample of the cutscenes from this overhaul, all of which are being redone, and which looks incredible compared to the original. We also got to put our hands on some of the multiplayer, which feels just like the original, with the exception of the Gungoose.