Meat market: EA wants you to rank NFL players


What do you mean Steven Jackson is only rated 89!?

As a Rams fans, I spent the last decade or so complaining about how woefully underrated my preferred team has been in Madden games. It helped to take the sting out of more than one 2-14 seasons. Now, I actually have a case; the Rams are pretty good. I also have a way of rectifying these egregious oversights at Electronic Arts.

Madden NFL 25 is handing off at least some of its player ratings to fan vote. Through, you can (once weekly, Monday-Wednesday) rate the top 25 (get it?) players by position. Well, offensive players, anyways. You can collectively rank team defenses, too. Defense gets shorted again. Why not tack a few more pass interference calls on while you’re at it?

Remember when Madden 12‘s cover athlete was left up to fan vote and we got a cover with Peyton Hillis? I know it was a feelgood story for Cleveland, them actually winning something sports related and all, but, man, that was lame.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to proceed to shimmy all Rams players to the top of the lists. Homerism!